Sunday, October 09, 2005

my mind...

Hello to all of you out there
Student teaching is still very interesting. I was observed this past week and my professor informed me that I have the best "teacher voice" she has heard in her five years as an education professor. The observation was very helpful and encouraging because I have been struggling in relating to my supervising teacher. I had expressed that in my journal and my professor's goal was to try to find out what else I could do. The bottom line she told me was that I just need to ask my supervising teacher more questions. Sounds easy enough... but I am really struggling with what to ask. I don't really have any questions. I have been trying to come up with good legit questions and can't really.... So if you have any good questions that you can come up with let me know.

In other news... I think I am making progress with my relationship with my "monkey in the closet" student. He is beginning to respect me and respond to my instructions. This week all the student teachers from my school were required to go to an ACSI conference (Association of Christian Schools International from whom we recieve one of our certifications after graduation). At the conference I attended a seminar on working with the strong willed child. It was an encouragment because according to them many of the things I was doing were exactly what I needed to do. The speaker gave several suggestions of other techniques to reach the student. I have hope that I am going to reach him. In addition my professor after observing is working on suggestions for what I can do. She knows that I have been struggling with him and a couple other boys and after watching the class she honestly had no idea what to say so she is thinking about it and we will have a date to talk soon.

There isn't really much else going on around here besides working on my senior project and thinking about different things entirely to much... An article that I was given made me think a lot. It helped put some pieces of life and Christianity into place but for every piece it helped put in place it displaced several others. So right now my brain is just going around and around issues trying to figure things out.... Moral of the story... don't accept reading material from a person who is smarter than you who wants you to think... they just might succeed in making you think...

wow can I just say that I have spent to much time in a second grade class room. As I wrote that last sentence I was thinking about what made the I sound in various words (that is what we studied in phonics this past week) the igh pattern is something few of my kids picked up on... but we will still work on it.

Well I could keep writing forever today... but I will leave all of you in peace and not torment your brains... Perhaps all of you will live out your days in sanity... I am afraid I am a lost cause :)
Have a blessed day!


At 10/30/2005 08:16:00 pm, Blogger Katie said...

What?! A lost cause? Now Hannah! j/k My brain is more blessed than tormented to read you ramblings. Rambling and reflection are probably some of the best features of many blogs!


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