Wednesday, December 07, 2005

$1000 fine and other matters

Well the story of the $1000 fine is quite the tale... It may go down in Grace College fine tales. It all began with two mischevious girls. Of course one of them was yours truly... the other was my roomate.
Setting... Kent Hall, Apartment 208 on a cold night. It had been cold for seemingly months on end (at least a week) so the girls were getting cabin fever. What should they do to get some restless energy out? Finals were looming. There was no place to warm up. And they were stressed. Mischevious ideas were thrown around but nothing was decided upon. While Jewel worked on homework, Hannah pulled out the bedtime story and attempted to read it. When the story was over (it was interrupted time and time again by a certain mischevious girl) it was bedtime. So of course being the good child she is, Hannah went right to bed. Well mischevious Jewel kept talking to her... anyone who has spent much time with these two knows that talking is often done in Barbie voices and often turns into high pitched disagreements (which are always sssooooo serious (sarcasm...)). Well tonight was no different and Jewel soon ordered Hannah out of the apartment because of some smart remark... Hannah fled their room in terror and ran to the other bedroom to seek help from the two other girls in the apartment. Jewel soon followed pointing to the door and informing Hannah that she should be out of the apartment. Hannah saw an opportunity and was able to run back to their room and lock the door. Jewel ran after her but was to late. Being the nice roomate she was Hannah realized Jewel still needed to study so she thoughtfully pushed all Jewel's study items under the door... she even shoved the blanket Jewel was using to stay warm under. Jewel was on the other side of the door yelling about how she could just pick the lock. Hannah felt that this was imposible because although most locks at Grace can be picked this lock was different and would be difficult to pick. Sure enough try as she might Jewel could not get in. Hannah contentedly curled up in bed to sleep. The noise that Jewel was creating outside of the door made it very difficult to sleep... Eventually Hannah unlocked the door and allowed Jewel back in so she could get a moments peace. Eventually Jewel calmed down enough to allow Hannah (and the rest of the apartment) to get some sleep. Well this morning as I walked out into our dining area I saw two fine slips on the table. Imagine my shock when I saw it had my name on it. I had made it through three years at Grace without any type of fine. As I read the fine I discovered it was for disturbing the peace. Apparently my RA had gotten wind of the occurences. Because "disturbing the peace" is a serious issue here at Grace (but especially in Kent Hall because of the privledge of living here) this is a serious offence. They have never heard of apartment mates fighting to this extent and it must be dealt with severely... So here I am trying to figure out how to pay a $1000 fine in the next four days.
(all of the events occured exactly as recorded from the perspective of the author... the other character in the story has a slightly different recolection of the events... but who can believe her... she was in the circus)

Ok anyway... I hope you enjoyed the story... my roomate and I really have a great relationship (she just told me she hates me). Oh the joys of dorm living! Seriously though we do have a great relationship... but if some people watched our interactions they probably wouldn't think so :)

This week is school spirit week. Monday was our favorite book charactor day... I dressed up as Wilbur the pig from Charlotte's Web. Tuesday was "What you want to be when you grow up". I had several different plans for outfits but because of the whether (it is freezing here) I didn't want to wear any of them so I put my warmest clothes on and said "I want to be warm when I grow up. Today was mismatch day and oh boy did I mismatch. I started with a blue and whited striped shirt and a black sweater with light blue embroidery around the zipper. On the bottom half of my body I wore blue polka dot pants with a blue flower skirt on top, a different patterned toe sock on each foot and different shoes. One side of my hair was in a high pig tail bun while the other side was down and pulled away from my face with a bobby pin. Let me just say standing in the parking lot scraping my car off this morning with my apartment mate (who looked just as ridiculous as me) was fun... People are not quite awake on their way to eight o'clock classes so there were some great looks as they weren't quite sure of what they were seeing.

Please pray for one of my students who is in the hospital because his appendix exploded inside him... he is getting better though!

Have a great day!


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