Monday, March 06, 2006

Making Disciples

Charity asked an excellent question about my post on the Great Commission. She asked how someone her age could go about making disciples. In order to answer that I think we better think first about what that word means... That's what I did at least when I read Charity's question... yes Charity... your question made me think :) defined the word like this

1. One who embraces and assists in spreading the teachings of another.
2. An active adherent, as of a movement or philosophy.
3. often Disciple One of the original followers of Jesus.
4. Disciple A member of the Disciples of Christ.

I am pretty confident that Jesus didn't mean that we should all become members of the Disciples of Christ, or that we become one of the original followers of Jesus (that would be a little impossible because we weren't:)

So that leaves me with the possibility of #1 or 2 from

I went and looked up the Greek word for disciple and to make a disciple in that passage means to teach someone to follow another's precepts. So when we are making disciples, we are teaching them to follow the precepts Christ taught us.

I would agree with Charity that there are differnet roles that each of us have in doing this. In Titus 2 we see Paul instructing Titus that older members of the church should be exhorting the younger how to live properly (follow the commands of Christ). Pastors and elders also have this role.

However, I do believe each of us as Christians has a role to play. Timothy is told "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity." If Timothy is setting an example for believers, I would suggest he is discipling them because he is showing them the way we are called to live. So I would say the first way youth can disciple others is by setting an example. In order to that we better know how we are called to live and live that way! We should continually be challenging ourselves in the way we are living by asking if we are being that example. Also if you do not spend time with other believers it would be difficult to set this example. Therfore we do need to be involved in other christians lives. As I have thought about it I believe this aspect is one of the best ways for the youth to help in the disciple making process.

I guess as I end I think the great commission has much to do with the quality of life for both the adult and young people. I know from my life, some of my greatest witnessing opportunities have occured because I consistently lived differently and co-workers asked questions. I don't think we can fulfill the Great commission without relationships. Christ prepared his disciples to disciple others through three years of building a relationship with them. It is not a quick process. It is not an easy process. But it is a process that has been commanded by Christ. Each of us has a role... And part of that role for the youth is to set an example, but also to seek to be discipled by older Christians as Titus 2 discusses.

To anyone who is still reading this post I would ask you to pray for me as I am looking for a job. I have applied to two schools. I would LOVE to work at either of them. I am also in the process of deciding where else to apply and what to do this summer (since as a teacher my job won't start till August). I need God's wisdom and peace on my future... May 6 is quickly approaching and I have no idea what I will be doing after that date...


At 3/07/2006 12:45:00 am, Blogger Charity said...

I will pray for you as you search for a job. Hmm maybe you should look into benefits for teachers in Australia! ;-)

Aw, I feel special! Thanks for answering my question in such detail! I love that verse in Timothy... that was really helpful. I guess I will be trying to set a better example. It's kind of weird to think that people might follow MY example, though. But then again, you never know who's really watching you.

Hey I need to call your family tomorrow or something and talk to you all! Thanks for saying hello this morning. :-) How was your show?? Hehe.

At 3/07/2006 10:56:00 am, Blogger rayhe said...

Charity... my show was horrible but wonderful... I have a group of friends I always watch it with... and it is difficult to watch all alone... especially last night when one of my favorite characters was killed during a terrorist attack.
Charity... I guarentee people are watching you!
oh... and Australia... Well there do seem to be a lot of job prospects overseas (China, Japan, and South Korea especially) but I don't really think God wants me going far away right now, so I am really praying for a job here in Indy :)

At 3/12/2006 01:24:00 pm, Blogger s said...



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