Thursday, April 06, 2006


In four weeks I will be finished with all my college classes. In four weeks and two days I will walk across a stage and receive a piece of paper saying I am a college graduate. It is odd that in just 30 days I will be a college graduate. I was talking to some of the girls from my freshman year hall a few days ago and it doesn't seem possible. It can't have been four years ago that we were sitting in a circle on I1E playing a get to know you game. At the same time there is no way I have only known some of these people for four years. It feels as though I have known them my whole life. But as I have been thinking about college I have created in my mind my top ten memories of college life.

~ Fire Drills - Everyone complains about them, but they sure provided my friends and I with lots of fun. Freshman year we figured out when one was and dressed up for it. From then on we would email each other and joke about appropriate clothing for fire drills, when they would be coming, and the best way to exit a building during a fire drill.

~ Milk - From the milk machine exploding in my hands to Holly and her "melk" (that is the way she says it) milk provided all of us with many a laugh. And of course Mama Tew always knowing when she saw me walk into the Grille that I wanted a cup of skim milk.

~ Walks around the lake - One of my favorite parts about Winona Lake is walking down by the lake. It is beautiful and peaceful. Going on walks down there provides the perfect setting for good conversations with anyone. Although Deana and I went on these walks together the most I have loved spending times with friends on warm afternoon walks by the lake.

~ Caring People - There are so many people in the Grace community who have blessed my life. From my freshman year hall mom, to Mama Tew, to professors and members of student development, God has given me great opportunities to get to know some wonderful people and has allowed them to impact my life.

~ Creatures - from the cat that "mysteriously" ended up in our room freshman year (our RA put it in there as a joke) to the birds and bats that got in the ceilings and walls in our rooms in Westminster, to close calls with Deer on the roads we have had fun with animals big and small.

~ Sumo Wrestling with Deana - This was a little bit of a contest between Deana and I on one team and Brianne and Jodi on the other. We would take turns showing up at the other sides door randomly dressed in some outfit. Sometimes we would have music. Other times it would just be us doing a trick.

~ Weddings - You can't attend a Christian college (probably any college but especially Christian ones I think) without going to many weddings. From weddings we didn't even go to the reception for (the parents didn't really want the couple getting married and the wedding was very uncomfortable so we left after we congratulated the bride and groom) to weddings we stayed till the very end we had fun laughing, joking, and dancing together.

~ Cartoon voices - I always gave Holly a hard time by talking in a really high pitched voice. She just couldn't handle it and called it my "Barbie voice". Well finally this year I have a roomate that understands :) and even joins me in my high voice talking. We do it so much that a couple times we have done it while we are out with friends. Our friends give us a look and we can't figure out why...

~ Girl fun - Living in a dorm for 3 years provided many opportunities for girl fun. In some ways it was like a sleep over that never ended (although there were days that you wish it would end and everyone would go home so you could have some peace). Laughing with a group of friends after a long day is always wonderful.

~ Growing - I will always remember Grace College as a place that I grew. I came to know my savior in a deeper way than ever before. Each year I can point to places where my walk with Christ was strengthened. I can also point to people here at my college who God used to work in my heart to bring me closer to Him. I don't think I will ever remember my time at Grace College without thinking of God's grace in my life as He continues to mold me into the women He wants me to be.

Know I feel like I am an old person. "It seems like just yesterday that..." I am glad that it wasn't yesterday that I started college because I am ready to be finished! There was a guest speaker in one of my classes yesterday (an older pastor from the community) who talked about how he was in grad school again because he wanted other people to choose the books he has to read. Well I am ready to be out of school because I want to choose some of my own books again. I have more than 10 sitting on my bookshelf that I am dying to get to.
So in four weeks I may be down with school but I know that learning lasts a life time! Don't I sound like a teacher?

Have a blessed day! and I am impressed if you made it all the way through my ramblings :)


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