Saturday, April 22, 2006

Who ate the pie?

Last night Jewel and I embarked on an adventure of a lifetime. It was an adventure that we knew would test our courage, but in order to graduate we had to accomplish this task. With trembling hands and fast-beating hearts, we walked into the building and announced our presence. The man behind the counter immeadiately recognized us and knew the task we were about to attempt. He questioned our preparedness and warned us that the sun might set before we accomplished the task. This did not deter us. We decided to attempt it, because there might not be another opportunity. Because we did not know our way we had taken the liberty to find a guide. Our guide was none other than the distinguished Mr. Binkerd. He encouraged us to relax, because we were going to have fun. Neither Jewel or I were convinced, but there was no way around it, we had to complete the task. With sweaty palms we approached the first obstacle. There was some debate over who should go first, but the rules clearly stated the oldest must go first, so Jewel stepped up and placed her ball on the tee. She removed her club, took a couple practice swings, and then sent the ball flying down the fairway. Two and a half hours later as the last few beams of light were fading, we trudged back to our car having played nine holes of golf.

Jewel and I thought it would be fun to take bowling and golf for our P.E. elective. Well it hasn't been quite as fun as we thought. We just found out we had to golf 2 7 holes by the third (the day seniors final grades are due). The only thing we have done in the class is hit some balls on the driving range with various clubs, but we didn't really know when to use various clubs, or anything. Jewel's dad came along for the first four holes and taught us what we needed to do for the rest of the holes. I think if he hadn't come along we would have failed miserably. Since he was there we did ok and actually finished all nine holes. I must say that golf actually is kinda fun, a little frustrating, but fun.

Well when we got back from golfing we devoured a wonderful strawberry pie and worked on our take home test all about golf. What a wonderful way to spend the last "regular" Friday night of our college careers (next Friday is the first day of finals, so it isn't a "regular" Friday).

186 teachers are being fired by IPS because of budget cuts. They are hoping to hire them back, but this is going to make the education job market much more competetive in the Indianapolis area. I am glad God has a plan for my good, because it gives me peace.

Two weeks from today and I will be a college graduate!


At 4/22/2006 09:38:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet! Too bad I wasn't here! I would've gone in a is amazing!

At 4/23/2006 06:49:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha Hannah the golfer!


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