Sunday, April 24, 2005


Recently I have been thinking a lot about Christians attitudes to freedom. This began because of reactions I have heard from many Christians about rules at Christian colleges (both my own and elsewhere). Usually the conversation goes something like this
Me: talking about a rule
other person: you have that rule! but the Bible doesn't forbid you to do that.
Me: but that is our community living standard.
Other person: but that is so legalistic (or something to that effect).
I have even experienced such comments from people who attend my school. The Bible doesn't forbid it so why can't we do it.
Well here is my answer. The Bible allows us as Christians freedom on many issues (drinking, TV shows, dress). The Bible provides guidelines but no hard answers. However, as Christians we do not live life without relations to others. Therefore we need to think about others in what we do.
Many (most) Christian schools have some kind of community living standard. This is not the school adding to God's law. Instead it is saying as a community we believe that living in this way will benefit the whole. Some people in the community may have to give up personal freedom in order to be part of the group. This is really what the Christian life is about. A Christian should never think "the Bible doesn't forbid me from doing this so I can do this". Instead they should think about how this will effect other Christians and the community they are a part of.
A Christian school should not be thought of as legalistic for having these standards. Instead, these standards should be recognized for what they are, a set of standards that memebers of a community freely and willingly take upon themselves when they join a community.
I really think the way Christians, especially American Christians, need to think less about what they are allowed to do in Christian freedom and more about what they can do to live in community with others. As Paul says he would give up his right to eat meat if it would cause his brother to stumble. So why are Christians who give up their right to drink, get a piercing, watch certain movies, or get a tattoo mocked or talked down about. Not saying I am not guilty of it... I have never understood why someone would go to Bob Jones or somewhere like that but although they have strict rules, they seek to honor God! Freedom should never be our goal! Just some thoughts.

Saturday, April 16, 2005


I found out this week that I got into Kent Hall!!! Kent Hall is the only dorm on campus that is apartments!! YEA!!! This means that while I am student teaching I can make my own food when I want to eat! I am living there with three friends. I don't know any of them real well but they are all nice and I enjoy all of them! One of them will be student teaching with me at the same school... so that should be fun!
Well not much else going on around here... right now I am the "RA" for the evening. I have to make sure nothing bad happens during open dorms. fun fun... I have a 21 page paper left to write... and a philosophy project... but besides that I am mainly done for the semester...
I am sad that this year is over... but I am ready to get back to working at Wheeler Mission!
Well better go do room checks