Thursday, May 26, 2005


You all probably thought I was gone forever... oh well I am back... with a new template and everything.
Well lets see... school is done for the year! I have one year left and then I am done and have to get a real job... kind of scary. Anyway... in the fall I will be student teaching in second grade! I am excited and scared about that but it should be a good semester.
Prayer request for everyone out there... My friend needs prayers. She is a senior in High School from the inner city of Indianapolis. I found out yesterday her dad died last week from a drug overdose. She claims to be a Christian but right now does not really care what God has to say about the way she is choosing to live her life. Pray that God uses this death to bring her back into right relationship with him. Hopefully I will be able to reestablish contact with her while I work at the mission with her.
Well I am heading off to Edenburgh for Mia, Christie, and my annual trip to the outlet mall. Should be fun... we need to hit the 10 for $5 area of Claires to get gifts for our girls at camp this summer.
Well that is about all... Have a great day to anyone who still checks here ever...