Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all...
Well lets see what has happened since I blogged last... Well my semester ended. THAT MEANS NO MORE BIO SCIENCE AND NO MORE DR. JEFFEREIS AGAIN EVER! It was a good semester over all. I learned a lot, was challenged to think about my life as a teacher, and spent good time with many friends.
After school ended I came home. Then I began working on my Mom's Christmas present. We had decided to make her a scrap book this year. A family memeber (I won't mention names but her initials are MJR) was supposed to find good pictures to put in it but she didn't even make it to Daniel being born, so Isaac and I looked through and found them. Then I spent the next several days putting it all together. It was really fun to look through all these pictures and remember good stories to put in the book. I finally finished it on Thursday night and wrapped it up an put it under the tree. Well it was kinda a joke in my family that we were getting mom a lap top for Christmas so we decided to play along with it. So when Mary and I went out oh Thursday to copy some pictures (after all that snow... we walked because our cars got stuck) we bought mom a handheld video game. We wrapped that up with a note that said "here is your first lap top, when you master this we will get you a real one". Then we had pictures of Daniel's lap top and made a scrap book page that said "here is a picture of your future lap top. We decided it would take you at least ten years to master the game and by that time Daniel will have a new one so you can have his". Then her final present was the scrap book. It was fun! She was surprised by some of the photos I found from her childhood.
Besides the scrap book I went down to camp for a camp reunion. Then one day this week I worked at Mr. Edwards factory helping with a book order. It was interesting. I would not want to do factory work everyday, but I think it was good because it helped me understand the job that many of my future students parents will have.
Well my parents got me some childrens books written by lynne Cheany (the VP's wife) about our history. They are wonderful and I really enjoyed reading them. They sum up our history very well. One is about women in U.S. history. Another is about the country as a whole. Finally her newest book is about Washington crossing the Deleware. Oh and I better mention what mare got me... She got me a wonderful warm scarf that will keep my neck warm as I walk across campus and two books.
Well now I don't know what I am going to do the rest of break... but that is fine. I am not ready to go back to school yet. I am sure I will be soon, but not yet!
Good night everyone

Saturday, December 11, 2004


Well it is right before finals week.... SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER FOR THE SEMESTER!!! My finals week is not going to be real difficult. I have five tests and then 3 class periods. My tests are for professionalism, biology lecture, biology lab, phonics, and origins. My other classes are going to be real fun! For emergent literacy we are telling stories to Kindergarteners (not reading... telling them... acting them out) I am doing Jack and the Beanstalk. My Methods of Science class is going to the Jr. High for a science exhibit. The Jr. Highers are going to use us to experiment on and stuff... little scary but should be fun... Then I have methods of Social studies. We are meeting at six on Wednesday night to eat pizza and talk to some teachers about teaching.
Well right now I have finished ALL my homework except... for biology... I just can't focus on it. My brain has decided that that class is over and I should stop thinking about it. Well the lectures are over but I still have two tests so I need to study.
Well lets see what else is going on... If you are dating someone you probably don't want to come up here. I have had two friends break up with their boyfriends this week. It is really sad! One of them I found out about on Wednesday on the way to chaple. She was my suite mate freshman year. Since her freshman year (she is a year ahead of me in school) she has been friends with this guy. Many people thought they would begin dating at some point and they did this past summer. Well last Sunday night they decided they made better friends than a couple so they broke up. I was sad. As she was telling us that they had broken up she shared that it was hard but she knew it was right. Then she talked about how her and her ex were still going to be friends which is what she values most from him. That made me happy because they have been friends for years! Well this morning at brunch my RA told me that her boyfriend (whom she has dated for 4 years) and her broke up last night... I am sad... They were a cute couple and I have enjoyed getting to know them.
Well I am going to try to study my bio now...
Can you guys believe I updated again?

Friday, December 03, 2004

long time

Wow it has been over a month since I updated! Lets see what has happened in my life... well I started dating got engaged and am eloping tomorrow... no just kidding... Actually not much has happened at all. My easy semester suddenly turned into a difficult semester with all kinds of homework. Really my life has consisted of going to classes, doing homework, and trying to find a moment to spend hanging out with friends. I have created so many lesson plans and so many projects! Then there is bio science. I would not want anyone, even someone I hated with all my being, (and no one is allowed to comment that we should love everyone because this is simply hypothetical) to have to sit through a science class with Dr. Jefferies.
But now all this is almost over. I have one final weekend of studying and creating projects and then I will be mainly done. I have one week of classes left and the finals week! Soon I will be heading home for break!
My friend, Deana, gave me a Christmas present tonight. It was a gift certificate to buy something from her Mary Kay supply! I was so excited! I have been wanting to buy Satin Hands for awhile but I haven't been able to justify spending the money. Now I will just spend $8 and get the set!
I think that is about all that has been happening here... well we are going to watch Serendipity now so I will write more another time... Everyone have a good night.