Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Why I love teaching

Well last week was just rough... There were a lot of reasons for it students misbehaving (one really, really badly!), tensions in teacher relationships, and a lot of other little things. Honestly I was kinda thinking I was a little crazy for wanting to do this for the rest of the life. But then today reminded me why I want to do this.
It all began this morning when one of my students decided it would be fun to bang his pencils together all morning. Well eventually I told him he could spend some time with me banging pencils during noon recess. Well when recess time came along he met me in the library (where all the second grade teachers meet to discuss what is going on). I had him sit on the carpet and told him to bang the carpet for five minutes without stopping. After about two minutes he stopped and complained that his arms were hurting. I said "oh my I guess we are going to have to start the time over because you stopped. Keep banging for five minutes without stopping. I am sure it is hurting your arms but I played the drums for awhile and I used to do that for 30 minutes with drum sticks so I know it won't kill you. While your doing it think about how much your banging your pencils hurts me and the rest of the class." This same scene occured a couple times. Finally he banged his pencil for five minutes straight and I told him he could go out to recess. Before he left I asked him if he was going to be banging his pencils anymore. He gave me a look of horror and shook his head no. Then I asked him if he remembered what would happen if he did it again. He replied, "I will have to do it for ten minutes." Satisfied that I had made my point and he understood I told him he could go outside and if he was a nice classmate he would inform the other students that they probably should not bang their pencils anymore as the consequences are not very pleasant. Well when the students came in from recess one of the students banged his pencil. I immeadiately looked at the recess pencil banger and asked him if he could explain to the student why that was not a good idea. He did and I did not hear another pencil bang the rest of the day!

Well the other funny thing that happened happened as the students came in from recess. My trouble maker from last week came in well after the rest of the class which means he had misbehaved somehow during recess. I asked him what he had done. He refused to tell me for quite awhile. Finally he told me. Then he lay down on the floor in the hallway, where we were talking, and refused to talk to me anymore as he rolled around. I quickly decided to leave him there since he was right outside my classroom and go teach because I was pretty confident he would come in. Sure enough he came into the classroom a few minutes later. When he came in he climbed into the closet/cupboard where their backpacks hang. The whole class looked at me wondering what I would do. I chose to ignore him and made a general announcement that we were going to do math and ignore the closet. Well soon enough we began to hear monkey sounds coming from the closet. That was to much and the class lost it. All of them were giggling. I felt like just breaking down and laughing so I went towards the closet (so I was facing away from the class) and composed myself. I then turned around with my best "teacher face" and said in my "teacher voice" that is not funny. I then turned back around to open the closet door. I saw his little chubby body curled up in the cupboard and just about lost myself to laughter. So I had to close the closet doors to collect myself so he wouldn't know I was finding this funny. I collected myself, opened the doors back up and told him he had to quit making noise. Then I turned around and continued to teach the class. Soon I saw the boy reaching into his cubby to get his gym shoes out. I turned and told him that the only students going to gym were the students in my class. I calmly continued that I was not sure if he was in my class because he wasn't doing math. "However, if you would like to be in my class and join us doing math I am sure you can go to gym with us." He quickly went back to his seat and got to work. One battle won with the kid! Later as part of math we had to color a pattern (so the pattern was more obvious) so I asked if anyone would let me color with them. This boy quickly raised his hand. So I went over and colored with him.

This post is dedicated to Dr. Bowling (an ed prof here who was my inspiration for today)
"Deep down inside young people want to please their teachers"
Dr Bowling
Last night during a class discussion on classroom managment

Hope all of you see the humor in this day that I did. I think I just have been so stressed I needed to laugh. And although this day was somewhat chaotic it was funny and is now even funnier to look back on. And you just got two stories from the day... Have a great one... and think about being a teacher!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Well I must begin with the most exciting news... I know many of you are not going to believe this but the day that represents something that I have hoped and longed for for most of my life finallly came....


Yep... you read right...

I Hannah Ray was offered and accepted a ring from a man...

I know... so many of you thought I was hopeless...

but the ring currently is residing on my ring finger....

I look at it reguarly just to make sure it is true

It seems like it all happened so quickly

but as I sit here and type I can see that it is all true

Really... I did get a ring... My class ring... representing that I am a graduating senior. You see at my school the school gives everyone a ring. And in the fall of your senior year we have a Convocation Chapel in which all the graduates rock across the stage and recieve their ring from Dr. Manahan (our president).... So you see I am wearing a ring that represents something I have dreamed about for a long time... Graduation from college and becoming a licensed elementary school teacher....

Anyways... just wanted to have a little fun with you all. OK Mare told me to update so I will. Summer camps at Wheeler Mission went well. This summer was by far the most stressful of any I have worked there. The only way any of us made it through was because of LOTS of prayer.
Right now I am back at school. This is my student teaching semester. This means that I am pretty much a teacher. So I keep teacher hours (meaning I go to bed at times no college student ever thinks about going to bed). I have a second grade class... with 16 wonderfully active boys... and 4 girls... Oh my... but don't feel sorry for those girls. They are all tomboys and love their fun playmates.
I am living in an on campus apartment with three other girls who are loads of fun! My roomate, Jewel, is someone that I didn't know but we had a lot of mutual friends who said we would be perfect for each other... and we have tons of fun. Today we decided we needed a no talking after we turn the lights out rule because we stayed up long after the lights went out last night and we are both tired today...
Hmmm.... not much else going on here... must get to lesson plans... and other things... Like reading... I have been given different things to read by SO many different people. So I should get to some of that tonight too. Well I hope this will keep everyone for another couple months... I don't know when I will update again.